Viva la revolution
26 October 2010
I recently read Malcom Gladwell‘s article in the New Yorker called Small Change, it is about the differences between social activisim in the 1950-70s compared with so called social activism today that is focused through facebook, twitter, and other social networks. The point is basically that to have high risk social activism like during racial segregation here in the U.S., you can’t just be loosely acquainted with someone involved, you have to have a strong relationship with someone involved…
Rebirth of The Fourum
18 October 2010
You may have seen that tonight we “fired” the guy who updated the fourum over the summer and through the beginning of the school year till today. This is a clever publicity stunt designed by the one and only fourum updater (@mrN8warner). He wasn’t really fired nor has it really ever not been him updating (except for the few occasions he was not able to). Turns out we were just being lazy, all of our metrics have been declining except the ones on facebook thanks to our recent ad campaign and this…
How to: Bust into an iFrame
11 October 2010
Yes, you read that correctly, I want to tell bust *into *an iFrame. First the details: The Fourum is built in a funny way because we built it so fast and wanted to make it dead simple. We currently use a PHP file for the header so people can submit their thoughts to us and it sends an e-mail with each submission (Shown below). The content section of the Fourum uses a Tumblr Blog to display simple blog posts. Both of these sites work independently of each other. points to the…
Facebook advertising experience
5 October 2010
After looking into advertising on facebook for a project for K-State’s CEO I discovered I had $50 free advertising credits from when I signed up for my hosting account with GoDaddy and another $50 that came as a advertisement in Entrepreneur Magazine from October 2010. Instead of reading other’s speculations and results I decided to sign up and promote The Fourum (one of my more popular pages that has encountered stagnant user growth over the last few months) and I encourage you to do the same…
Hello world!
4 October 2010
I needed a break from working a project for a client so I decided to go ahead and set up my blog which I have been meaning to do for awhile. Once I get time I will make a custom theme, but until then this theme will have to do. I guess this is the end of my obligatory Hello World! post.