K-State Transfer App

This site is not yet live, we are planning to launch just before enrollment during the Spring of 2011.
This simple web application was built out of frustration. I was tried of hunting around for classes that I needed to graduate and checking to see if I could transfer them in from another school. I built a crawler to crawl some of K-State's web servers and parse their Transfer Equivalence documents. I then stored this information in a MySQL database. What you see in the above image is the front-end to this. It is a simple search engine that allows you to type in a list of classes you want to find alternatives for and returns at what schools you can take those classes and other information about the class.
This was a fun app to build because it really put my knowledge of PHP Arrays and Abstract thinking abilities to the test.
The jury is still out on how long it will take us to get a letter about trademark infringement.